musicians knew Timothy as an avid listener of classical music and a specialist
in acoustics. Now they learn that Timothy is chairing a committee that is
organizing and planning an international conference on acoustics. The conference
will include several sections, and several panels will be scheduled to cover
various topics. Architects and acousticians will discuss the sound quality
on concert stages, in conference halls, and in movie theaters. Danny, who
is an acoustician, will chair one of the panels. As a conference organizer,
Timothy invited specialists in the field, and individual presentations will
relate to the industry and pertain the traffic-related problems with the
noise on bridges and in public communication vehicles. Some musicians from
the orchestra, including Donald, the organ player and Hubert, a famous composer,
are invited to the committee that works on instrumental acoustics. Trombonist
Owen, who serves as a professor at the university music department, will
employ Gary, the intern from the music department and some students from
the art department to work for the conference. They will be paid to design
flyers and posters about the conference and to work on conference proceedings.
Unfortunately, there are many obstacles coming from tight security measures
(“tight security measures” is a buzzword used by the IT departments
to answer complains). For example, the SPAM filters reject some group e-mails.
Media man Duncan makes the conference website ready by combining various
photographs, video and press clips into a visually appealing design. He includes
program content, data about each place events are held, weather and travel,
along with information about some known and recognized participants. Duncan
will be responsible for reporting and videotaping the event. He will also
collaborate with people from newspapers and broadcasting companies. Debbie
(who is an avid photographer and also an instrument collector) will take
photos and shoot video clips during the sessions. Duncan will design the
posters and programs. Three music critics, Monique, Miranda, and Michelle
want very much to write about conference subjects and imagine they would
do it for the proceedings, articles, and interviews. However, it seems unlikely
that one of the M.J. sisters would be officially appointed for a position
of a conference spokesperson. Vocalists Edward and Deborah will perform at
a special concert for the conference participants. Lorenzo will throw a special
party for the Conference Organizing Committee members. Somehow, all the conference
participants showed up at the party, so it went into the history as a "tram