A. Ursyn Orchestra / Banjo Irene
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sound can be very very very loud, or sound can be very quiet
sometimes it seems like sounds are very short and brief
sometimes it seems like sounds can go on f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Neely Patton

Irene was often asked to act in the eighteen-century plays. She knew how to look “appropriate.” No one could become “her” as well as she could. “Her” meant a XVIII century lady who knew how to hold her head and how to gaze at her surroundings. Irene had a great impact on her colleagues, as most were affected by her manners. Even the clothing she wore looked stylish on her and only her. She collected books on styles of clothing and accessories and reviewed them frequently. One day, the secret of her style broke out. Kathy, the costume designer was the one creating outfits especially for Irene, which in turn had a very strong influence on her own posture, gestures, and the way she talked.