A. Ursyn Orchestra /Body Guard Shawn and his dog Hoggie
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Shawn was always coming with his dog Hoggie when they were needed. They used to come in together to any public place. Hoggie qualified as a working dog. The dog only liked people-food. When Shawn was going to any food-selling place, Hoggie was not let in. Usually, Shawn ordered himself a sandwich and one with no extras for Hoggie as well, plus one drink. He was glad Hoggie was not a frightening dog. He only looked fearsome, which was enough for the job. However, no one would enter the store when Shawn was ordering.
Seth Hunter
Finding the Elements and Principles of Design Within Written Composition

The linear value of words is evident in more than one way. First it is very
clear that words are most often organized in a very linear manner, making
lines of text that run from left to right in most cases (some languages
build the lines in a vertical manner instead of horizontal). But there is
more line involved in words. Every letter of our alphabet and most others is
made up of lines, from curved lines that compose "s" and "c" to straight
lines that make up "l" and "i". Finally, words are linear in the way that
ideas are presented using words. If the words that I have already typed were
mixed up the composition wouldn't make sense, as with letters being put down
in the wrong order. So the lines must be followed to make the ideas clear in writing.
Shapes are very useful in the formation of letters, they give letters a much
more complex and unique character that would be lacking without shape. Shape
is also, often very important in the composition of poetry. While the poet
may not make decisions about the shape of his poem, he will make decisions
about how the poem will fit together and whether or not a word will be on
the first line or the second.. Descriptions of shape within written
compositions is another way that shape is used.
"the rounded form of the tiny bird's body was shaking in the cold."
Most often color is not used in written composition but it can be
effectively used to make emphasis or convey specific emotions. Color is
almost always used in the design of book covers and since book covers house
the written composition one could say that is one use of color in written
composition. Descriptions of color within written compositions is another
way that color is used.
"the sky went gray and everyone gasped."
This is primarily a visually represented idea and is not found within
written composition. But often descriptions of value are used to relay
information about how the sky looks, etc.
"darkness moved across the football field."
Some writers are concerned about texture and choose specifically textured
papers to relay a specific feel of their composition. Beyond that there
isn't much reference to texture except for descriptions that may be included
in the composition.
"his rough hands grated on the skin of my arm when he led me."
This is an excellent tool in written expression, contrasting different ideas
within the composition creates an interest that engages the reader. There is
a very evident contrast in the look of the type on the page... black on
white most often, without that contrast written composition would be very
difficult to comprehend.
"the cold snow melted as it met the heat of the hot tub."
Emphasis in writing is made clear by organizing the words such that a point
is being made. The overall emphasis of this email is to convey the idea that
elements and principles of design can be observed within written
compositions. Often the emphasis of stories is empathy of the reader towards
the main character (even if the character is bad/evil). But the emphasis can
literally be anything that the author chooses to convey.. that life is
boring, that all animals are perfect, etc.
Without unity written composition can be very hard to understand. The unity
keeps the composition from being a pile of words on a page (although that
may be the unity of randomness that an writer may choose to convey), and
instead makes a logical order of the words so that ideas and thoughts can be
conveyed to the reader. Also unity keeps the pages of the book, from being
randomly ordered.
This is used to keep the words from becoming stale. Often repetition of
certain words or phrasing can really make a composition boring to read (for
example, in this composition the word "composition" has been horribly
overused and therefore has lost much of its initial meaning). By using a
wide variety of words the writer reveals thoughts and possibilities that the
reader may have never experienced prior to reading the composition.
This is found in the consistent structure of any composition. By making
chapters that are close to the same length, a writer keeps the reader
focused. Also the proportion of sentences to one another is a good tool to be used.
The balance of a piece of literature keeps the reader from becoming
disinterested. If the writer comes across as really exciting on the first
page but then changes to a really boring writing style, the reader may not
connect and may choose another book to read. Whereas if the writer keeps the
same tone throughout the composition and keeps the ideas and style balanced
more readers will successfully complete the book.
There is movement involved in the creation of a composition whether the
writer uses a pen and ink or a keyboard, they will be moving. Also the
reader will move their eyes and maybe the pages of a book to experience the
composition. Again descriptions of movement are also very valid.
"the mouse skitted across the floor."
This is most often used in poetry but is also found in many other forms of
composition. The repetition of words is used to create rhyme sometimes, or
for emphasis. Also repetition of paragraph structure and sentence structure
is used to maintain the interest of the reader.