Art Portfolio

icon_framed Framed artworks and their moving images
Artwork in its final form is framed and presented in 2D along with time based form. Results from various processes such as screenprinting, (photosilkscreeens and photolithographs), multiple media, painting and digital printouts.

icon_framed Sculpture Gallery
Three dimensional, physical structures created from various materials.

icon_framed 2D and 3D Programming Art Gallery
Often a starting point for exploration in the art process, these images are the output of various 2D and 3D programs. Although 3D applications still produce 2D images, the ability to rotate and move around the object provides a vastly increased set of artistic possibilities.

icon_framed Web Orchestral Project
An ongoing experiment in web-based interactive storytelling and display, this site explores various ways to showcase an orchestral sculpture series. Characters are introduced iconically through their stories.

icon_framed Avatars
Artists | Musicians | Performers | Play
Professions | Robots and Bots | Sport


Art & Music

Often a starting point for exploration in the art process, these images are the output of various 2D and 3D programs. Although 3D applications still produce 2D images, the ability to rotate and move around the object provides a vastly increased set of artistic possibilities

Trucker's Muse - and the related short video (excerpt) | Jazz in the City | Interactive Concerto | City Ritual | Waterlife |


Art & Math

Content uploding in progress ...

The Equasion of Time | New Link 2 |

icon_framed Time-based Multimedia Projects
Exploring media such as video, web, Powerpoint

icon_framed Installations
Returning Home is an installation consisting of looped video animation inserted into 9 assembled panels with related images

  • Linked poems explore relationship of thoughts
  • Fractal Cities is an architectural prognosis
  • Water Planet is a trip with aperiscope

icon_framed Thematic Series
Exploring various topic and science related concepts
Occurences | Symmetry | The Cosmos | Visible Geometry | Nano Art | Water | Energy

icon_framed Early Work
Traditional work-that is used to supplement the art and technology intersections in the early days of computing