and Jeanne developed
their own style of entertaining people. They often perform at private
and official gatherings, and participants always express great approval
for their ability to amuse their audience and because of the overall
quality of their performances. The secret lies in the spectacular way
they are playing. For the Andrea's graduation party, they use a big
van to bring everything they need. Even their instruments, the positive
organs and buccina, that are of relatively small size, arrived in a
big van. An easel, a big size mirror, a table, and a special set of
lamps, were carried out of the van when they arrived. Giovanni and
Jeanne were dressed in tulle and silk robes. They played in front of
a mirror placed on a tall easel, and thus they were repeated by their
own reflections to exist in two distinct embodiments (move the cursor
over the image). They like to be jokingly called “a
quartet.” They were more then happy to perform at Andrea's
graduation party. All
four of them.